There are so many ways an individual or family can get involved with WAAGR. Whether you want to get your hands dirty and help transport dogs or would rather work remotely and help with social media, any help is greatly appreciated. If you'd like to help from afar, donations are always a great way to support the organization. If you have extra time or resources on your hands, we would love to have you help us.

There are several different ways to donate.
Below are just a few ways that you can become part of the WAAGR team. If you have an interest in another area, a passion for something, or just want to learn more, please fill out our volunteer application and let us know how you'd like to help.
We are looking for a volunteer to help as a Fundraising Coordinator. If you would like to learn more about the position, please click here.
Interested in helping in that role?
Reach out to Dave at dkeffinger@msn.com.

Fostering is a critical part of maintaining our rescue as we don't have a brick-and-mortar building. If a dog isn't assigned an adoptive family before they come into our care, we rely on our foster families to welcome them and give them a home until we find them a forever family.
Fostering is hard work, but it's one of the most rewarding ways to give back. It's not uncommon for our dogs to have less than ideal pasts. More times than not, they don't know what love is. Fostering is the first taste of love that they will have, and fosters get to experience that first hand. They have the ability to give that dog a new start, and sets them up for success when they find their family.
As a foster family, you have the flexibility to choose when you're able to welcome a foster dog. If you have a vacation planned or are in a busy time at work, you can choose to wait. We appreciate any time you're able to give.
Foster families provide the food for their foster dog, but WAAGR can ask for donations if needed. If you need toys, collars, crates, etc., we are happy to work with you.
Without fosters, WAAGR would not exist.